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    5 Ways To Preserve Your Travel Memories (That Don’t Involve Photos)

    LEOL30, Flickr If you’re an avid traveler, chances are you’ve experienced some type of fantastical sight, to which no photograph can ever do justice. Talent and camera quality have no bearing whatsoever on the ability to capture this moment, and so you resign yourself to committing it to memory. Although I love looking at travel […] More

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    Blessed By A Monk: How I Got My Magic Sak Yant Tattoo

    Getting a Sak Yant Tattoo in Thailand Nakhon Chai Si, Thailand Over 40 people watched in silence as a famous Thai monk repeatedly penetrated my flesh like a sewing machine. His Sak Yant needle sent waves of searing pain into my back. Traditional Sak Yant (also called Sak Yan, or Yantra) tattoos are hand-etched onto […] More

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    Deep Water Soloing: Climbing Without Ropes

    Sailing the Islands of Thailand Railay Beach, Thailand My forearms were burning. Sweat streamed into my eyes. There were no safety ropes. Suddenly I lost my grip on the rock and plummeted 35 feet off a cliff. It’s called Deep Water Soloing. Psycho Bouldering. Psicobloc. Basically you scale rocky cliffs over the ocean without using […] More

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    Scuba Diving Thailand’s Colorful Similan Islands

    Colorful Nudibranch Slug Similan Islands, Thailand With a simple wave of my hand, glowing trails of green pixie dust materialized in the dark water. Had I become a wizard? Did someone slip me some something? Nope. I was just on a 3 day live-aboard scuba diving trip around the Similan Islands with Wicked Diving. Hovering […] More

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    Why “Luggage Class” Is Much Better Than First-Class

    First-Class Bus Passengers Above Krabi, Thailand Have you ever traveled luggage-class before? It’s like a billion times more awesome than first-class! These are just some of the reasons why. First-class. The envy of all travelers everywhere. It’s truly how the ultra-rich get from point A to point B with complimentary alcohol, ample legroom, top-notch service, […] More