Manchester is such a vibrant city and one with such a strong and rich heritage however, for most people who get distracted by London in the South, or even the Northerners in the UK who are really in-the know of Manchester as a city, it still has many ways of surprising you – especially so […] More
LEOL30, Flickr If you’re an avid traveler, chances are you’ve experienced some type of fantastical sight, to which no photograph can ever do justice. Talent and camera quality have no bearing whatsoever on the ability to capture this moment, and so you resign yourself to committing it to memory. Although I love looking at travel […] More
1.) At the Louvre in Paris, France 2.) View of Portugal from São Jorge Castle, Lisbon 3.) On Palm Beach, Sydney, Australia 4.) Maya Bay, Thailand 5.) Phi Phi Island, Thailand 6.) Infinity Pool at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore 7.) View from the Top of the O2, London, UK 8.) Rice Fields in Bali, Indonesia 9.) […] More
Instagram Jester Gull/Queensland Lest you think that cat pictures dominate the internet, this week the Queensland, Australia Instagram account is being managed by a dog. Jester is a six-month old Weimaraner from Hamilton island (close to the Great Barrier Reef), and he is kicking off a new campaign to show Queensland from a local’s perspective. […] More
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